Skeletons in the Closet: Emory University’s Position in the Illicit Cadaver Trade and the Birth of Dooley, The Skeleton from 1840-1930

About this Project

This project is also now linked on The 1836 Project Walking Tour of Emory University. In support of The 1836 Project, a link is provided here: The 1836 Project

This project was funded by the Loren and Gail Starr Award in Experiential Learning. The research for the project was carried out in the summer of 2022 and built upon prior work from spring of 2021. The goal of this project is to explore cadaver theft and exploitation in Georgia in connection with Emory University and analyze the ways this history might have influenced the creation of Dooley the Skeleton. This website was published on August 24, 2022.

The intended way to experience this project is through the order designated under the articles tab in the top left corner of the window, but the articles can be experienced in any order one sees fit. This project can be experienced in around half an hour and can also be used as a learning module on the history of dissection and the use of cadavers in medical school education from 1840-1930.